Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Giant bombcast 6/12/12

Ryan Davis, Jeff Gerstmann, Brad Shoemaker, and Patrick Klepek return from E3
Another great episode of the Giant Bombcast. with all the podcast last week at E3 I was expecting a tired podcast. It was't as long as the Bombcast's leading up to E3 but even with the missing in action Vinny Caravella the podcast is funny and informative. some of the topics on the podcast are Max Payne,

Vanquish, and Tomb Raider, S

tarCraft and more... 

I would love to have a second Bombcast each week, maybe not as long but it would be nice to know what the Giant Bomb Crew might be playing so people could try and play the games. 


Ryan Davis - @taswell

Jeff Gerstmann - @jeffgerstmann

Brad Shoemaker - @bradshoemaker

Patrick Klepek - @patrickklepek 

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